June flew past, and now we're more than halfway through July. Wow, this summer has been busy. I hope everyone is enjoying the season and finding time to play some great games.
In spite of the lack of activity on this web site, Melior Via has been active behind the scenes. We had a great deal of success at Origins, running 8 full tables of Hope Preparatory School scenarios for many enthusiastic fans. Thanks to all who came out and took the time to play. We hope to meet many more players at Gen Con in two weeks. (Seriously. Two Weeks. Wow.)
This morning, I just uploaded the Freshman Character Pack for ICONS to DriveThruRPG.
The HPS Freshman Character Pack includes six fully statted Freshman Characters for the Hope Preparatory School setting. The characters may be used as PCs in Freshman year scenarios, NPC class rivals, or a field trip group for a more traditional supers campaign. These characters are all for use with the ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying rules. Printable character standups are also included as a substitute for tabletop gaming miniatures.
Priced to move at $2.99.
We're currently working on completing the ICONS version of The Substitute.
HPS #2 Halloween Ball is currently on its way to our editor. Artwork solicitations have begun for that as well.
Good gaming!