A Quiet Life
We've just released a new 1-sheet adventure, with the help of one of our World of Morden Kickstarter backers.As the heroes travel through the Outlands, they come upon a small village, which seems to be in the midst of serious construction. They soon learn that a band of Accursed recently visited the town, and demanded that the refugees who settle it leave. As it turns out, those Accursed dwelt here, long before the Bane War began. Needless to say, they're unhappy about the refugees stealing their homes and land. The Witchmarked heroes must decide which party is in the right, and try to resolve their conflict, lest blood be shed between those who still oppose the Witches.
A Quiet Life is available from DriveThruRPG for $1.25
Heavyweight Standard Printing
DriveThruRPG is in the process of updating the printing process used for their standard printing. The change is focused upon the weight of paper used for the printing process. They've switched from a 50 pound weight to a 70 pound weight. The newer paper makes the books a little bit thicker and a little bit heavier. It also does a somewhat better job of absorbing ink, and, since it's thicker, it's more difficult to see artwork or text on the other side of a page.We've completed the transfer process, designing new covers for all of our standard printing books to be compatible with the thicker pages. We've also ordered proofs to confirm that the pages look OK. The new books are more expensive to print, but we've chosen to keep our pricing the same. Any books ordered from Melior Via on DriveThruRPG going forward will use the heavyweight paper.
Review Drive
So, we just had to order a whole bunch of proof copies of our books. However, we don't maintain an inventory of our books. So, we don't really want to leave those sitting around. After a bit of thought, I've decided what to do with them. We want more reviews of our products. We're pretty sure there are at least a few folks out there who would like printed copies of our products.With that in mind, the first eight people who contact me and offer me links to three reviews of Melior Via products that they have published (preferably on DriveThruRPG or Amazon) for our products will get a free copy of one of the 8 proofs that we have on hand. There are a few important caveats to this:
- You'll need to demonstrate that you're the author. Having a name or e-mail address that matches the reviewer's name is a good start.
- This will be first come first served. We aren't printing extra copies of books for this at this time.
- Due to the cost of postage, we're restricting this to people with a US mailing address. It is cheaper for us to print copies outside of the US and mail them than it is for us to post books internationally. If this goes well, we'll consider running a future contest for international reviewers.